Nogens: The Gender Without Identity

There’s a new movement in town. It’s called The NoGens and they are taking gender identity to a whole new level.

Nogens deny the existence of gender altogether. Not just the traditional male and female, but everything in between the parameters of gender identity.

No pronouns allowed. They refuse to use he, she, they, we, you in grammatical variations, subject or object. Even “it” is out of bounds.

But it doesn’t stop there with pronouns. At the extreme end, some people won’t even use names. Names, they argue, imply gender. So, they’ve ditched names. No more Peter, Paul and Mary.

Absurd, right? Hocus Pocus. Not if you believe in it.

“Why use something that boxes people in?” says a member of the movement. “People don’t need labels to define who People are.”

Instead, they identify through other means, often just gestures or sounds. Communication has become a new art form.

Critics are baffled. “How do you even talk to someone without pronouns or names?” asks an observer. It’s like trying to get play a game with no rules.

Yet, the movement grows exponentially. Nogens argue that they represent true freedom from the constraints of a society that conditions the individual from the moment of birth.

“It’s utterly liberating,” says another member. “No identity, no labels, just existence in its purest form.”

For some, it’s a step too far. But for others, it’s the next logical evolution in humanity’s quest for personal freedom.

The Nogens have adopted a unified dress code of white masks and silver garments. The Nogen code has elements of Bushido, the cult of the Japanese Samurai.

The origins of the Nogens Movement trace back to Europe. It emerged as a radical fringe of the LGBTQ+ community with the aim to transcend gender identity altogether.

Originally, it started as discussions in underground forums and fringe LGBTQ+ clubs. Over time, it gathered momentum, attracting those who felt that even non-binary identities were too restrictive for their personal comfort.

“Nogens are breaking the last chains of identity,” says a founding member. “Gender is just another box to tick. Nogens are done with boxes but the movement has to avoid alienating the gentypicals by being associated with absurd extremes.”

This radical approach has sparked debates within the LGBTQ+ community. Some see it as a natural evolution of the species. Others worry the extremism undermines the fight for recognition and rights of the LGBTQ+ community by becoming figures of ridicule.

Despite the controversy, the Nogens are not for moving. Gender, they say, is a label. They envision a world where genderless identity is fluid and boundless. Where people are just people, without any labels superimposed on them.

For some, it’s too radical a step to take. But for others, it’s the ultimate step in personal liberation.

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