Humanity Exhausts All Original Ideas: the well has run dry

The Philosopher Data Analyst and AI evangelist Dr. Dom Presley reports: Humanity has officially exhausted its reservoir of original ideas. From now on, the future will be dominated by rehashed concepts and recycled content from the past.

The future of originality is AI.

AI data analysis has shown that the last original idea emerged in 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. This alarming development raises significant concerns, as humanity requires innovative thinking to tackle pressing issues like climate change, overpopulation, and economic instability. Without new ideas, our ability to address and solve these critical problems diminishes, potentially exacerbating our spiral into global crises.

In every field—be it cinema, music, or fashion—innovation has hit a standstill. Expect an era of endless sequels, remakes, and memes. The creative well has run dry, with originality now a relic of history. As scientists confirm this grim reality, the cultural landscape braces for a perpetual cycle of déjà vu.

AI has devised an originality index from 0 to 100. The invention of the wheel stands at a 100. Caesar Salad stands at 50. surprisingly AI any ranks itself at 15, perhaps because it was a development of existing technology.

Speculation abounds regarding the nature of the last original thought. Some suggest it may have been a groundbreaking concept in renewable energy, a novel approach to social media connectivity, or an innovative method for global collaboration in science and technology.

Dr. Presley reckons that any original thoughts will be AI generated in the near future.

Originality will become a commodity that we invest in. The more money you have, the more original will be your thoughts. Class division will no longer be defined by wealth, but by your access to original thoughts.

“It is evolution,” says Dr Presley. “Nothing to fear. Our brains will neuronally interface with AI programmes to create original algorithms and processes.”

In the meantime, we can rest assured that Elon Musk is on the case, although his detractors say he’s never had an original thought in his life.

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